Posted on Sep 11, 2020 in Breakouts and Acne

Ways to get rid of hormonal acne

Acne is the consequence of two major events: first, the oil glands in the skin are swollen and extra oil is created. Secondly, dead skin cells build up in the pores and blend in with excess oil in order to form an oily plug. This blocks the pore and triggers blackheads and whiteheads. When bacteria invade the blocked pores, larger pimples grow.

What are the ways to get rid of hormonal acne? Most people get their first bumps during puberty-the same time that sex hormones flood our bodies for maturity first. Some hormones, particularly testosterone, have a disagreeable effect on acne. They enlarge the petroleum glasses to create more oil while hogging nutrients that would otherwise metabolize excess oil. This means that the hormone testosterone will make the skin oilier, making it more vulnerable to acne.

Newborn children get hormonal acne from their mothers’ hormones while they are still in the womb. Most adolescents get it as a natural part of their development. Adult women get hormone-related acne just before or after their time-when their menstrual cycle is peak in testosterone. Pregnant mothers expecting babies to get hormonal pimple breaks as their body is flooded with extra boy hormones. Adults undergoing steroid medication or supplements are often treated with acne as a side effect.

How about treating the hormonal acne

skin cells‘Control the hormones before you think! ‘- think again: hormones have far-reaching effects on the body and they can be severely affected. One workaround that many women seem to benefit from is birth control pills. The pill is actually a cocktail of female hormones that not only prevents undesirable pregnancy but also controls testosterone levels. This minimizes hormonal acne and ensures women’s peace of mind.

Another way to manage the excess oil generated by hormonal acne is worth taking. The use of oil-absorbing cleansers, toners and astringents will prove simple. Although these can yield immediate results, they require more religious repetition and can have shorter effects than desired. Oral supplements can also be attempted to regulate oil production. The derivatives of vitamin A such as Accutane effectively shut down the oil glands but have very severe side effects. Vitamin B5 supplements are a better option. They metabolize the excess oil on the skin without shutting the oil drums or drying up skin excessively.